In an effort to preserve the great history of our 133-year old church and congregation, our sponsors have invested money into preserving the congregation’s website as a “time-capsule” of sorts. Our goal is to preserve the history so that former members can come back to this website and remember the days of worships past.
Please check out the sermons and blogs to revisit old sermons and blog posts!
Our History
We, Park Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, are mindful of our mission to be a caring community, inviting and welcoming. We embrace as a gift the diversity of our neighborhood, the world and all people regardless of race, national/ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital standing, family structure, social or economic status, physical/mental ability with or without an assistance animal, faith background, religious persuasion or political affiliation. We recognize that there are differences among us, but believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. However the world describes you and how you describe yourself, Park Congregational Church is a community of faith-keeping and faith-seeking people who affirm that every person has worth as a unique creature made in the image of God.

We are an authentic and transparent congregation that believes God calls us to create a safe, sacred and inclusive place where all are loved as Jesus loved. We seek peace and justice for our church family, our community and our world. We are committed to fighting and eradicating social ills that oppress God’s children, preventing them from experiencing a fulfilled life, and to share in the qualities of Christian stewardship through compassion, generosity, gratitude, prayer, sharing and trustworthiness.
Following the example of our Savior Jesus Christ, we declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming church that celebrates the human and sexual diversity of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning community. We believe that salvation, wholeness, completeness, liberation, deliverance, health and well-being are promised to them.
We invite all people to join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding and mutual respect.
Located in the spacious facilities of First Baptist Church at the corner of Salisbury Street and Park Avenue, Worcester, Massachusetts, we welcome everyone to become a part of our community of faith regardless of where you are on life’s spiritual journey. We worship in Davis Chapel at 10:00am on Sunday. The door to Davis Chapel can be accessed directly from Park Avenue. The parking lot is along the side of the chapel and can be entered from Salisbury Street, after taking a right from Park Ave. The parking lot and Davis Chapel are the first section of the building of First Baptist Church driving north on Park Avenue. We are a progressive Protestant church from the Congregational tradition that offers a reverent and thoughtful worship service. Our faith is 2000 years old. Our thinking is not.